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Job Search Techniques: How to Fail a Job Search

Job Search Techniques: How to Fail a Job Search

It's very easy to spoil your job search so everyone can do it. You will definitely find a technique that you applied in your job search. You may even find a job search problem.

Job Search Technology 1: Do nothing, or mostly do nothing. Assume that there are no jobs there, or that there are many eligible candidates for a successful search.

Job search tip # 2: Say nothing. Never talk about being out of work or underemployed. The surest way to not get a job is to not ask for a job. The second sure way of failing to find a job is not to mention the people you know you want to get a job. If you really want to spoil your life, stay home and pull the curtains over the world.

Tip # 3: Find posts online for 8-12 hours a day. Jobs are filled with people not computers, so before you have a job you have to interact with people. A successful job search may involve finding and trying to contact a hiring manager. But this is a successful job search method, so you won't want to try it! God forbid that you contact someone to find out who is responsible!

Tip # 4: Request tens of jobs per day. Is it a number game, right? No. It is a matter of transferring that you are exactly the right person for this position. If you are applying for every job, you are wasting your time and the time of people applying for jobs. At least make sure you have the position you are applying for. An easy way to confirm the presence of the job is to ask about the start date. Unfortunately, not all posts posted are already filled positions.

Tip # 5: Don't bother allocating your CV to the publication language. Don't bother allocating your introduction letter to the publication language. Its logic, right. As more and more jobs are posted on job boards, searching for millions of these jobs requires a computer. How a person searches for millions of resumes - by entering search words of course. You must resume using the same language used for publication in order to appear in the search. Don't lie, just use the same language to describe the same type of work.

Tip # 6: Surrender. The average job search takes 3 months. If you expect to get more than $ 100,000, it may take 5 months. Some of the most effective job search techniques take a long time to work. It is best to do the network when you still have work, and do not start when you walk out the door. So do not expect results overnight, because getting a job is about building relationships that lead you to the right position.

Did you find a problem in your job search among these stupid job search techniques? Most people looking for jobs today have one or more of these problems - others will not recognize them.
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